The largest and unique short wave database in the world covering all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details

ILGRadio  since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - February updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Feb. 10th 2025 (2300 UTC)

Database of today with 81611 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 10745, Year 2024: 22656, Year 2023: 10409, Year 2022: 7773 data sets effective for February,
more detailed latest statistics as of 31st January 2025   incl. also statistics of all the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years

ILGRadio Databases Download Pages

ILGRadio Frequency Databases available here
These ILGRadio Databases are provided to promote and advance the hobbie of Short Wave Radio Listening and Monitoring with accuarte details of stations broadcasting between 2 to 30 MHz. ILGRadio is available for a very small amount of money as a recognition for all the work for investigation and trouble.
During the month every day an update release is available, which means approx 340 updates during the year are available !
That´s why there is the wish that your access data were NOT given to other persons, who paid for nothing. Please accept this.
If you would use ILGRadio for your professional job, please pay the higher price or more. Many thanks!