The largest and unique short wave database in the world covering all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details

ILGRadio  since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - February updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Feb. 10th 2025 (2300 UTC)

Database of today with 81611 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 10745, Year 2024: 22656, Year 2023: 10409, Year 2022: 7773 data sets effective for February,
more detailed latest statistics as of 31st January 2025   incl. also statistics of all the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years

Order ILGRadio Password

ILGRadio is NOT available in Belarus, Mainland China (incl. Hong Kong), Cuba, Iran, North-Korea, Russia and Vietnam due to the political situation in these countries. Received money will be returned immediately without further notice !
该数据库不适用于中国大陆和香港。 收到的金额将立即退还,恕不另行通知。 即日起扣除费用!
Picture 12 Months ILGRadio Access
For private users: Password for the Year 2025/26 which is effective until 31.January 2026 starting immediately.
During the year nearly each day update releases available, which means approx 340 updates during the year are available now !
Download access is effective for all ILGRadio data files versions on ILGRadio web page.
Your personal password will be sent out by e-mail a.s.p after payment is received here (daily during 0900-2200 UTC) within 1 - 24 hours.
After some days or immediately you will receive an extra e-mail with the PDF invoice and payment verification.


Click here to pay  17  EURO  for ILGRadio with the PayPal.Me

Currency must be in EURO and not in e.g. US Dollar
There is no need to run an order with the online shop procedure
with giving all your address data and more, this means there is
no "CART to click" anymore necessary !
So click the link and choose currency, verify and the order is made
via PayPal at once.
Do give your E-Mail address to sent out the access data !!!
If payment is made you will get verification from PayPal by E-Mail.

Alternatively you can also transfer the money of 17,- EURO to this PayPal

Please include/give your correct E-Mail address to sent password to you within 1 - 24 hours

For any payment problem please write an e-mail to solve the problem.

Password delivery: 1 - 24 hours daily available 1 - 24 hours daily available
17,00 EUR
incl. tax within Germany excl. further charges
Picture 12 Months ILGRadio Access
For private users: Password for the Year 2025/25 which is effective until 31.January 2026 starting immediately.
During the year nearly each day update releases available, which means approx 340 updates during the year are available now !
Download access is effective for all ILGRadio data files versions on ILGRadio web page.
Your personal password will be sent out by e-mail a.s.p after payment is received here (daily during 0900-2200 UTC hours) within 1 - 24 hours.
After some days or immediately you will receive an extra e-mail with the PDF invoice and payment verification.

Within the European Union you can also pay by bank transfer. Here you
must rund the order as you are doing it in an ordinary online shop:
"ADD TO CART", "CHECKOUT", put in your address data, "CONTINUE",
accept conditions and make final order with "ORDER WITH AN OBLIGATION TO PAY".
E-Mail with bank account data will arrive immediately in your e-mail box.

17,00 EUR
incl. tax within Germany excl. further charges
Picture Editors Password for ILGRadio download one Year
For non private users with company name or professional users of the radio scene, journalist, editors of magazines, editors of categories, etc.
Password is effective for one year (12 months) and will start immediately when ILGRadio access data were delivered.
During the year nearly each day update releases available, which means approx 340 updates during the year are available now !
Download access is effective for all ILGRadio data files versions.
Your personal password will be sent out by e-mail a.s.p after payment is received here.

DIRECT-PAYMENT: you can also sent the money directly to our PayPal account in the case there are problems. PayPal account:
Please write an e-mail that you have made an payment for additional check. For any payment problem please write an e-mail to solve the problem.
400,00 EUR
incl. tax within Germany excl. further charges
Picture Password for Monitore ILGRadio download one Year
For non private users with company name of radio industry or the radio scene as well as professional users (Large Monitoring Stations / Radio Stations):
Password is effective for one year (12 months) and will start immediately when ILGRadio access data were delivered.
During the year nearly each day update releases available, which means approx 340 updates during the year are available now !
Download access is effective for all ILGRadio data files versions on ILGRadio web page.
Your personal password will be sent out by e-mail a.s.p after payment is received here.

Please write an e-mail that you have made an payment for additional check. For any payment problem please write an e-mail to solve the problem.
550,00 EUR
incl. tax within Germany excl. further charges
1 to 4 (from a total of 4)
ATTENTION when PayPal payment problems occur
There are no problems since 3 months, any way here are some tips to help:
Some times Credit Cards may not work because PayPal is not accepting
all cards for foreign payments. So you must pay with your PayPal account.

PAYMENT MADE VIA PAYPAL.ME if problems with payment below
click here to pay 17 EURO for ILGRadio with the PayPal.Me option

If payment is made you will get verification from PayPal by E-Mail.
Please include/give your E-Mail address to sent password to you.

DIRECT-PAYMENT can also done as alternative:
go to the paypal web page and login with your PayPal access data1. Possibility
make an money transfer of 17,- EURO

SUBJECT: ILGRadio for 1x year

If payment is made you will get verification from PayPal by E-Mail
Please write an e-mail to
inform that you have made an payment for ILGRadio.