The largest and unique short wave database in the world covering
all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations with last monitoring date (time stamp)
and many further technical / signal details

ILGRadio  since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
A24 Season - April updates on a nearly daily basis: upload April 23rd 2024 (1930 UTC)

Monitored and verified data sets of A24 season: Year 2024: 17598, Year 2023: 14646, Year 2022: 8814,
Year 2021: 7979 data set entries of current release effective March 31st, more detailed Statistics as of 30th March 2024
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years

ILGRadio Databases Download Sample Files

Picture Database Download
Download/View Sample Files of ILGRadio
Databases in the Frequency Order
              extract of 11650 - 11750 khz range

B22 Season as of December 22nd 2022

Current season effective October 30th 2022 until March 25th  2023

Picture new ILGRadio Database
The current ILGRadio Database Structure:
- view data without additional software with internet browser
- current data structure
- easier handling
- much more details
- complete short wave version (broadcastion + UTILITY)
- broadcasting listeners version (no UTILITY included)
- with Excel, Access, dBASE Reader filter and index functions

Detailed Structure of ILGRadio Database with the new format. If possible use this database for maximum details and information of all short wave stations
ILGRadio Info
The CSV files here of ILGRadio can be used by current SDRConsole software
ILGRadio Info
The HFCC text format is designed for the frequency co-ordination conference and can be imported in various software programs incl. the WINRADIO software. This file cannot be used with PERSEUS software (look for extra download page with reduced data sets)
ILGRadio Info
Data Files to display received stations in the monitor window of PERSEUS SDR.
This text files (site.txt, admin.txt and broadcas.txt) are designed for the Software running HFCC data or for the PERSEUS SDR Receiver to dispay station data on the monitor of the receiver software
ILGRadio Info
Files in CSV Format of ILGRadio for ELAD SDR Receivers, e.g. ELAD FDM-S2 SDR,  ELAD FDM-S1 SDR
ILGRadio Info
The TEXT files here are in the old ILGRadio format of the year 2006 and can be used by "ERGO" software or others
ILGRadio Info
The TEXT files here are in the ILGRadio format and can be used by current HRD "Ham Radio Deluxe" software
ILGRadio Info
The dBASE files here are in the ILGRadio format and can be used by old RLDB Fineware software
ILGRadio Info
SDRPlay (SDR Solo, SDR Uno) with B22 ILGRadio Databases in Text Format - Exctract 11650 - 11750 khz
The dBASE files here are in the ILGRadio format and can be used by SDRPlay receivers e.g. SDR Solo or SDR Uno
ILGRadio Info
The dBASE files here are in the ILGRadio format and can be used by Airspy receivers
ILGRadio Info
Picture old ILGRadio database
The TEXT files can be imported into all kinds of sofware and the letter type must be changed to "Courier New" to see the  Graphical Diagram in a perfect format
ILGRadio Info
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