Main page » New Demo Data » Databases - Sample Files » RLDB Fineware with B22 ILGRadio Databases in dBASE Format - Exctract 11650 - 11750 khz
The largest and unique short wave database in the world covering all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - February updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Feb. 10th 2025 (2300 UTC)
Database of today with 81611 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 10745, Year 2024: 22656, Year 2023: 10409, Year 2022: 7773 data sets effective for February,
more detailed latest statistics as of 31st January 2025 incl. also statistics of all the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - February updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Feb. 10th 2025 (2300 UTC)
Database of today with 81611 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 10745, Year 2024: 22656, Year 2023: 10409, Year 2022: 7773 data sets effective for February,
more detailed latest statistics as of 31st January 2025 incl. also statistics of all the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
RLDB Fineware with B22 ILGRadio Databases in dBASE Format - Exctract 11650 - 11750 khz
B22 Season sample data of December 2022
Daily updates made shortly after changes in schedules available or new monitoring observations processed.
Ended transmissions will be deleted immediately.
Upload date with day and time in UTC given on top of each ILGRadio web page and the date in first line, left side of each file.
W Version (dBASE File)
Broadcasting and Utility with the complete Short Wave 1.6 - 30 MHz 11650-11750 khz
SIZE: more than 85000 data sets with 33 data fields (352 wide)LINK TO THE DATABASE STRUCTURE AND DETAILS
dBASE FILE: ilgwdata.dbf (zipped into
DOWNLOAD: click here to download 11650-11750 khz
Import within Microsoft Excel (no Excel Viewer) © Microsoft. Go to open File Name and croll down to dBASE and open ILGRadio "ilgadata.dbf"
Mark the datafield GRAPHICS andf change letter type from "Arial" to "Courier New" for propper display of Graphical Diagramm.
You can view all data, you can set different order or set filter function. If yo wish you can export to other file type.
You can also import dBASE files e.g. into Microsoft Access 2010 or earlier releases (no function in Access 2013 of Office 2013).
A lot of dBASE viewers are made available on various web pages e.g. "DBF Viewer", "Paradox dBase reader", "DBF Viewer Plus", ...
X Version (dBASE File)
Broadcasting, Weather, Volmet and Time Signal Stations
SIZE: more than 15000 data sets with 33 data fields (352 wide)LINK TO THE DATABASE STRUCTURE AND DETAILS
dBASE FILE: ilgxdata.dbf (zipped into
DOWNLOAD: click here to download 11650-11750 khz
Import within Microsoft Excel (no Excel Viewer) © Microsoft. Go to open File Name and croll down to dBASE and open ILGRadio "ilgadata.dbf"
Mark the datafield GRAPHICS andf change letter type from "Arial" to "Courier New" for propper display of Graphical Diagramm.
You can view all data, you can set different order or set filter function. If yo wish you can export to other file type.
You can also import dBASE files e.g. into Microsoft Access 2010 or earlier releases (no function in Access 2013 of Office 2013).
A lot of dBASE viewers are made available on various web pages e.g. "DBF Viewer", "Paradox dBase reader", "DBF Viewer Plus", ...
The samples do not include much analog and digital ULTILITY data and no ALE (Automatic Link Establishment) calls. The receiving and publishing of these data of signals is not allowed in various countries. Therefore here in the sample section with free access thse details are NOT included to avoid problems for all. Please accept the decission that data are only available for those who paid for access.
Les échantillons n'incluent pas beaucoup de données ULTILITY analogiques et numériques et aucun appel ALE (établissement de liaison automatique). La réception et la publication de ces données de signaux ne sont pas autorisées dans divers pays. Par conséquent, ici, dans la section des exemples avec accès gratuit, ces détails ne sont PAS inclus pour éviter les problèmes pour tous. Veuillez accepter la décision selon laquelle les données ne sont disponibles que pour ceux qui ont payé pour l'accès.
Die Beispiele enthalten nicht viele analoge und digitale ULTILITY-Daten und keine ALE-Aufrufe (Automatic Link Establishment). Der Empfang und die Veröffentlichung dieser Signaldaten ist in verschiedenen Ländern nicht gestattet. Daher sind diese Details hier im Beispielbereich mit freiem Zugang NICHT enthalten, um Probleme für alle zu vermeiden. Bitte akzeptieren Sie die Entscheidung, dass Daten nur für diejenigen verfügbar sind, die für den Zugriff bezahlt haben.
Las muestras no incluyen muchos datos ULTILITY analógicos y digitales y ninguna llamada ALE (Establecimiento de enlace automático). La recepción y publicación de estos datos de señales no está permitida en varios países. Por lo tanto, aquí en la sección de muestra con acceso gratuito, estos detalles NO están incluidos para evitar problemas a todos. Acepte la decisión de que los datos solo estén disponibles para aquellos que pagaron por el acceso.
As amostras não incluem muitos dados ULTILITY analógicos e digitais e nenhuma chamada ALE (Automatic Link Establishment). A recepção e publicação destes dados de sinais não é permitida em vários países. Portanto, aqui na seção de amostra com acesso livre, esses detalhes NÃO são incluídos para evitar problemas para todos. Aceite a decisão de que os dados estão disponíveis apenas para quem pagou pelo acesso.
I campioni non includono molti dati ULTILITY analogici e digitali e nessuna chiamata ALE (Automatic Link Establishment). La ricezione e la pubblicazione di questi dati di segnali non è consentita in vari paesi. Pertanto qui nella sezione di esempio ad accesso libero questi dettagli NON sono inclusi per evitare problemi a tutti. Si prega di accettare la decisione che i dati sono disponibili solo per coloro che hanno pagato per l'accesso.
De voorbeelden bevatten niet veel analoge en digitale ULTILITY-gegevens en geen ALE-oproepen (Automatic Link Establishment). Het ontvangen en publiceren van deze gegevens van signalen is in verschillende landen niet toegestaan. Daarom zijn hier in het voorbeeldgedeelte met gratis toegang deze details NIET opgenomen om problemen voor iedereen te voorkomen. Accepteer alstublieft de beslissing dat gegevens alleen beschikbaar zijn voor degenen die voor toegang hebben betaald.