The largest and unique short wave database in the world covering
all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations with last monitoring date (time stamp)
and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
A24 Season - September updates on a nearly daily basis: upload September 15th 2024 (2240 UTC)
Latest monitored and verified data sets of A24 season: Year 2024: 25322, Year 2023: 11617, Year 2022: 8033,
Year 2021: 7527 data set entries of current release effective March 31st, more detailed Statistics as of 31st July 2024
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations with last monitoring date (time stamp)
and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
A24 Season - September updates on a nearly daily basis: upload September 15th 2024 (2240 UTC)
Latest monitored and verified data sets of A24 season: Year 2024: 25322, Year 2023: 11617, Year 2022: 8033,
Year 2021: 7527 data set entries of current release effective March 31st, more detailed Statistics as of 31st July 2024
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields
ILGRadio - What´s in the Database and how to understand
There are some special things in ILGRadio, some content is given in different versions:
FREQ: frequency of AM stations, carrier frequency of many UTILITY stations
CFFREQ: this is the centre frequency of various UTILITY transmissions (plus * khz)
STATION: the detailed writing of the station name
STN: the very short name writing
BRC: name of the broadcaster, code according to ITU Geneva and extended by ILG
CALL: is mainly important for UTILITY stations for identification
UTC: time of the transmission (combined data)
START: time of the transmission
STOP: stop of the transmission
COUNTRY: full name
ADM: country code according to ITU Geneva and extended by ILG
LOCATION: full name of transmitter site
LOC: site code according to ITU Geneva and widely extended by ILG
LC: transmitter location by ITU CIRAF zone
TARGET: ILGs very old description of the target area
CIRAFZONES: target area according to ITU Geneva
MOD: the kind of modulation
MODTYP: the technical type of modulation
LONGI: Longitude, geographical position of transmitter site
LATI: Latitude, geographical position of transmitter site
POSITION: detailed writing of site position, compatible with e.g. Google Earth
GC: other detailed writing of site position, compatible with e.g. Google Earth
(for ships/vessels and aircraft/planes ONLY the HOME-PORT can be given !)
STATUS: gives if station is active at all
YEAR: last time of monitoring with YY,MM (year, month)
FDATE and TDATE: information if transmission is not available during whole season
REMARKS: comment on transmission
NOTES: comment or detailed description modulation of the UTILITY station
G00 .. G23 (0000 ... 2400 UTC)
These fields are for filter function and each G** fields is to put an
filter for one hour.
In this field are letters for languages or symbols for non-daily language
transmissions or symbols for UTILITY type transmissions.
If no transmission is on the at the hour a ". " is given (dot space).
So if you want to listen at 1500-1600 UTC and you want to see in the
database only transmissions which are on the air during this hours you must
set a filter function in Excel or dBASE type software with
Filter out dot SPACE (". ") in field G15 or G15 not equal to "." dot space
This is the only perfect way to set a time filter, because the function
start >9999 and stop <9999 UTC does not work for broadcasts with a
time of e.g. "2200-0300 UTC !!!
NA, CA, SA, EU, AF, ME, AS, AU, PA target area continents.
This is a very old data fields of the 1980s and is today not so very helpful
because if you put filter to "NA" (North-America) you can receive a lot of signals
directed to other continents e.g. in Western North America from East Asia and
in Eastern North America from Europe, etc.
OTHER FIELDS explains itself:
DAYS, LANGUAGE, POWER, AZI (azimuth), ANT (antenna)
(days given as follows since year 2022: 1: Sunday, 2: Monday ... 7: Saturday )
ITU Reference data mentioned above:
LINK: Reference tables
ILG data entries and information are based on old and current monitoring experiences made over the last 50 years...
Copyright by ILG Software - Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI)