Main page » Order Password » Password for ILGRadio download starting now for Year 2025/26 effective from now until 31.January 2026 with PAYPAL PAYMENT (PayPal.Me) pay by click without CHART
The largest and unique short wave database in the world covering all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - February updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Feb. 10th 2025 (2300 UTC)
Database of today with 81611 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 10745, Year 2024: 22656, Year 2023: 10409, Year 2022: 7773 data sets effective for February,
more detailed latest statistics as of 31st January 2025 incl. also statistics of all the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - February updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Feb. 10th 2025 (2300 UTC)
Database of today with 81611 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 10745, Year 2024: 22656, Year 2023: 10409, Year 2022: 7773 data sets effective for February,
more detailed latest statistics as of 31st January 2025 incl. also statistics of all the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
Password for ILGRadio download starting now for Year 2025/26 effective from now until 31.January 2026 with PAYPAL PAYMENT (PayPal.Me) pay by click without CHART
For private users: Password for the Year 2025/26 which is effective until 31.January 2026 starting immediately
Download access is effective for all ILGRadio data files versions on ILGRadio web page (
During the year nearly each day update releases available, which means approx 340 updates during the year are available now !
Your personal password will be sent out by e-mail a.s.p after payment is received here (daily during 0900-2200 UTC) within
1 - 24 hours during sumer holydays.
After some days or immediately you will receive an extra e-mail with the PDF invoice and payment verification.
Click here to pay 17 EURO for ILGRadio with the PayPal.Me
Currency must be in EURO and not in e.g. US Dollar

Please sent your name and e-mail address via the contact page to avoid delays !
There is no need to run an order with the online shop procedure
with giving all your address data and more, this means there is
no "CART to click" anymore necessary !
Do give your E-Mail address after order to sent out the access data !!!
Alternatively you can also transfer the money of 17,- EURO to this PayPal
Please include/give your correct E-Mail address to sent password to you within 1 - 24 hours.
For any payment problem please write an e-mail to solve the problem.
Information about PAYPAL ME in English oder Informationen über PAYPAL ME in Deutsch (German)
Download access is effective for all ILGRadio data files versions on ILGRadio web page (
During the year nearly each day update releases available, which means approx 340 updates during the year are available now !
Your personal password will be sent out by e-mail a.s.p after payment is received here (daily during 0900-2200 UTC) within
1 - 24 hours during sumer holydays.
After some days or immediately you will receive an extra e-mail with the PDF invoice and payment verification.
ILGRadio Payment & Order with ONLY One Click:
No order form or "Add to Cart" procedure necessary here to order and pay !Click here to pay 17 EURO for ILGRadio with the PayPal.Me
Currency must be in EURO and not in e.g. US Dollar

Please sent your name and e-mail address via the contact page to avoid delays !
There is no need to run an order with the online shop procedure
with giving all your address data and more, this means there is
no "CART to click" anymore necessary !
Do give your E-Mail address after order to sent out the access data !!!
Alternatively you can also transfer the money of 17,- EURO to this PayPal
Please include/give your correct E-Mail address to sent password to you within 1 - 24 hours.
For any payment problem please write an e-mail to solve the problem.
Information about PAYPAL ME in English oder Informationen über PAYPAL ME in Deutsch (German)
All ILGRadio frequency data are here available in the TEXT format which can be imported by Microsoft Excel, Access or any other software. You can set filter functions or you can control your short wave receiver. The graphical diagram is also available and gives the 24 hours in an easy read format with the language information. If possible less abbreviations are in use. Everything is easy to handle and really up-to-date due to regular band scans !
Toutes les données de fréquence de ILGRadio sont ici disponibles en format texte qui peut être importé par Microsoft Excel, Access ou tout autre logiciel. Vous pouvez définir des fonctions de filtrage ou vous pouvez contrôler votre récepteur à ondes courtes. Le schéma graphique est également disponible et donne les 24 heures dans un format facile à lire avec les informations de langue. Si possible, moins les abréviations sont utilisées. Tout est facile à manipuler et très up-to-date d'échéance pour les analyses régulières de la bande!
Todos los datos de frecuencia ILGRadio están disponibles en el formato de texto que puede ser importado por Microsoft Excel, Access o cualquier otro software. Puede configurar las funciones de filtro o usted puede controlar su receptor de onda corta. El diagrama gráfico que también está disponible y da las 24 horas en un formato de fácil lectura con la información de idioma. Si es posible, menos abreviaturas están en uso. Todo es fácil de manejar y muy arriba-hasta la fecha debido a las exploraciones regulares de la banda!
Hier sind alle ILGRadio Frequenz Daten im Text-Format und können in Microsoft Excel, Access oder andere Software importiert werden. Hier kann man Filter Funktionen anwenden oder Kurzwellen Empfänger steuern. Auch hier gibt es die graphische Darstellung mit der 24 Stunden-Übersicht in einem leicht lesbaren Format mit Sprach-Informationen an. Wenn möglich werden wenige Abkürzungen verwendet. Alles ist sehr aktuell durch die regelmäßige Bandwacht !
Todos os dados de frequência ILGRadio está aqui disponível no formato de texto que pode ser importado pelo Microsoft Excel, Access ou qualquer outro software. Você pode definir funções de filtro ou você pode controlar o seu receptor de ondas curtas. O diagrama gráfica também está disponível e dá as 24 horas em um formato fácil leitura com as informações da linguagem. Se possível abreviaturas menos estão em uso. Tudo é fácil de manusear e muito up-to-date, devido a exames regulares da banda!
Tutti i dati di frequenza ILGRadio sono qui disponibili in formato testo che può essere importato da Microsoft Excel, Access o qualsiasi altro software. È possibile impostare le funzioni di filtro o è possibile controllare il ricevitore a onde corte. Lo schema grafico è anche disponibile e dà le 24 ore in un formato di facile lettura con le informazioni sulla lingua. Se eventuali abbreviazioni meno sono in uso. Tutto è facile da maneggiare e davvero up-to-date a causa di scansioni banda regolari!