Main page » Structure & Infos » "A"/"B" Version Abbreviations of ILGRadio Database with CURRENT STRUCTURE
The largest and unique short wave database in the world covering all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - January updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Jan. 15th 2024 (2332 UTC)
Database of today with 80504 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 6691, Year 2024: 24840 Year 2023: 10609, Year 2022: 7825 data sets effective January,
more detailed latest statistics as of 22nd December 2024 incl. also statistics of the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - January updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Jan. 15th 2024 (2332 UTC)
Database of today with 80504 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 6691, Year 2024: 24840 Year 2023: 10609, Year 2022: 7825 data sets effective January,
more detailed latest statistics as of 22nd December 2024 incl. also statistics of the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
"A"/"B" Version Abbreviations of ILGRadio Database with CURRENT STRUCTURE
The new Structure of ILGRadio Database
All files are including 1535 "Separator Lines" and the data field of GRAPHIC (Graphical Diagram) looks like this:
00##########06##########12##########18##### 6100
Other fields are filled with "#####". This should look like a black line to separate optically the 5 kHz steps
within the broadcasting bands and plus/minus 100 khz. ALso in use for 1 MHz steps.
If frequency allocations are changing also such lines are included giving details in the NOTES data field.
ILG data entries and information are based on old and current monitoring experiences made over the last 50 years...
Exclusive ILG data fields are NA,CA,SA,EU,AF,ME,AS,AU,PA since 1989 and the usage is exclusively only allowed to use by ILG Database and not by any other software
ILG data entries and information are based on old and current monitoring experiences made over the last 50 years...
1 | FREQ | 8/2 numeric | Frequency in KHz | in some cases frequency rounded | Carrier Frequency of Utilty Stations (see also for center frequency in last column) |
2 | STATION | 30 | Station with full name | Name according to the official station identification | External & International Services in capital letters and Home Services in small letters |
3 | UTC | 9 | Time in UTC "Universal Time Co - Ordinated" former GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) | LINK FOR DETAILS ":" (****:****) breaks in transmission, no constant signal "=" (****=****) extended or reduced times within given timeslot | sign-on time of **59 minutes rounded by full hour
in various cases full-time broadcasts are divided in one hour blocks to make ILG bandscans much more precisely |
4 | DAYS | 7 | Days | given in ITU/HFCC format: 1: Sunday, 2: Monday ... 7: Saturday | |
5 | LANGUAGE | 20 | Language of Programme | full name of language and dialect given | UTILITY Entries are starting with "DATA:" followed by details: CODES (Spy Radio) DATA (Data Transfer) EMAIL (E-Mail Transfer) FAX (Telefax) METEO (Weather Info) MORSE (CW) RADAR (Over the Horizon) TELEX (Telegraphy) TIMES (Time Signals) VOICE (Traffic/Information) |
6 | GRAPHIC | 48 | Graphical Diagramm: the exact Occupation of each frequency is presented by the "Times by Lines" giving the Language of the broadcast. This is processed in a Time Scale of 24 hours with a precision of 30 minutes.
Exclusive ILG data field
| If the transmitter is not on the air during ILGRadio publishing time only a line "------" is given instead ! | Capital Letters: External / International / Home Service
Small Letters: SSB transmissions with clear voice
1: Sunday ... 7: Saturday
#: not daily
$: Monday-Friday
=: Saturday/Sunday
?: inactive
-: standby (alternative)| : DRM
"!" is given at 6, 12 and 18 hours if this position is not used
7 | TARGET | 8 | Target Area | External Services: main taget with details (see right) e.g. AF, AS, AU, CA, EU, ME, NA, PA, SA Home Services: in brackets with ADM country code |
further description: e = east n = north s = south, w = west
ne = north-east nw = north-west se = south-east sw = south-west |
8 | LOCATION | 26 | Location of Transmitter Site | the name of the Transmitter Site or main town and home port of ships (airborne, coastguard, navy, seaborne) | |
9 | LOC | 3 | Abbreviation of Location | LINK FOR DETAILS | |
10 | POWER | 8/3 numeric | Transmitter Power in kW (kiloWatt) | for UTILITY stations correct power not confirmed in many cases | |
11 | AZI | 3 | Azimuth of Antenna |
1 - 360 degree
0 = non direction
| ATTENTION: HFCC / ITU gives 0 or 1 for 360 degree north !!! |
12 | ANT | 10 | Antenna Type | describes the antenna / aerial in techn. types (data not verified for UTILITY stations so far, so "ND" is used) | Main Antenna Types: HR: Curtain Antenna HRS: Curtain Antenna slewable LPH: Log Periodic Hor. ND: Non-Directional/Dipole RHO: Rhombic |
13 | REMARKS | 16 | Remarks | further details -if not weekly -notes on observations -SPY RADIO | Spy Radio: e.g. E06, E07, E11, E17, F01, F02, F03, F06, F11, G06, M01, M12, M14, S06, S11, V07, XPA |
14 | MOD | 3 | Modulation | LINK FOR DETAILS | AM: Amplitude Modulation DIG: Digital (various) DRM:Digital Radio Mondiale ISB: Independent Side Band LSB: Lower Side Band USB: Upper Side Band |
15 | MODTYPE | 6 | Designator of Modulation | some examples A3E: Sound (broadcasting) D7W: DRM A1A: Morse F1B: Telex F3C: Fax J3E: Voice J7D: Digital | |
16 | NA | 2 | Target: North-America | "--" if not used | |
17 | CA | 2 | Target: Central America & Caribbean | "--" if not used | |
18 | SA | 2 | Target: South America | "--" if not used | |
19 | EU | 2 | Target: Europe | "--" if not used | |
20 | AF | 2 | Target: Africa | "--" if not used | |
21 | ME | 2 | Target: Middle East | "--" if not used | |
22 | AS | 2 | Target: Asia | "--" if not used | |
23 | AU | 2 | Target: Australia | "--" if not used | |
24 | PA | 2 | Target: Pacific | "--" if not used | |
26 | STN | 5 | Name of Station in short version | ||
27 | BRC | 3 | Broadcaster | LINK FOR DETAILS | |
28 | ADM | 3 | Administration | 3 letter code of Aministration, official ITU Abbreviations LINK FOR DETAILS | additionally listed Countries and Overseas Territories given with own ITU Code, e.g.
ALS: Alaska ASC: Ascension AZR: Azores CNR: Canary Islands DGA: Diego Garcia
GIB: Gibraltar GUF: Guyana HKG: Hong Kong HWA: Hawaii MRA: North.Mariana Isl.
MRT: Martinique NCL: New Caledonia OCE: French Polynesia
REU: Reunion TWN: Taiwan |
29 | COUNTRY | 18 | Country | "Geographical" Name of the country | ILGRadio gives countries as the world looks like |
30 | LC | 2 | Transmitter Site by CIRAF Zone | LINK FOR DETAILS | |
31 | LONGI | 6 | Longitude | ILG gives degree and minute without dot and blank | old ILGRadio format |
32 | LATI | 5 | Latitude | ILG gives degree and minute without dot and blank | old ILGRadio format |
33 | POSITION | 20 | Position of Transmitter Site with Longitude and Latitude | LINK FOR DETAILS | ILG gives GOOGLE EARTH compatible format with degree, minute and second. If Longitude and Latitude gives "00" for Seconds in both cases the transmitter site is not found so far. |
34 | NOTES | 30 | Additional Information, Modulation Type | LINK FOR SIGNAL IDENTIFICATION AND DETAILS | some popular examples used for Utility transmissions: ALE MIL-STD 188-110A ALE MIL-STD 188-141A ARQ 100Bd/500 CCIR 493-4/100Bd/170 DSC FSK 100Bd/170 FSK 50Bd/200...500 HFDL ARINC 1800Bd LINK-11 MIL-STD 6011 MFSK-8 THALES S-3000 MPSK-12 AT3004D (M5) PACTOR-1 100Bd/200 PACTOR-2 100Bd/200 PACTOR-3 QPSK/***Bd/*** QPSK-63 SAAB GRINTEC MHF-50 SITOR-B 100Bd/170 STANAG 4481 75Bd/850 STANAG 4285/300...1200L STANAG 4538/FLSU T-206/50Bd/500 T-600/50Bd/200...250 WFAX 120/576 |
35 | STATUS | 1 | Status of Transmission | ILGRadio do not include FAKE (wooden) entries as listed in great number in the HFCC / ITU databases ! | C = confirmed A = Alternative or no longer observed during last 12 months I = inactive N = not confirmed X = Info Data (data set for detailed language / dialect information) |
36 | YEAR | 4 | Monitoring Date with YEAR+MONTH | this information verifies that station is/was really on air | e.g. 2301 means monitored during January 2023 |
37 | CALL | 50 | Call Sign | BROADCASTING: Calls for broadcasting only in use within the USA UTILITY: station identification: transmitter sites, ships, mobile units | UTILITY: - full call sign -call sign sets in use - part of call sign with wildcard ( "*" ) for network or variable call signs |
38 | FDATE | 6 | Date of START of Transmission | DDMMYY format | date given if different to season period (empty if effective during full season) |
39 | TDATE | 6 | Date of STOP of Transmission | DDMMYY format | date given if different to season period (empty if effective during full season) |
40 | CFFREQ | 8/2 numeric | Center Frequency in KHz | in some cases frequency rounded | important information for UTILITY station reception |
41 | START | 5 | START Time (begin of broadcast) in UTC "Universal Time Co - Ordinated" | LINK FOR DETAILS | in various cases full-time broadcasts are divided in one hour blocks to make ILGRadio bandscans much more precisely |
42 | STOP | 5 | STOP Time (end of broadcast) in UTC "Universal Time Co - Ordinated" | LINK FOR DETAILS |
in various cases full-time broadcasts are divided in one hour blocks to make ILGRadio bandscans much more precisely |
43 | G00 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0000-0100 hr | data field for filter function (set "G00" <> ". ") | |
44 | G01 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0100-0200 hr | data field for filter function (set "G01" <> ". ") | |
45 | G02 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0200-0300 hr | data field for filter function (set "G02" <> ". ") | |
46 | G03 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0300-0400 hr | data field for filter function (set "G03" <> ". ") | |
47 | G04 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0400-0500 hr | data field for filter function (set "G04" <> ". ") | |
48 | G05 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0500-0600 hr | data field for filter function (set "G05" <> ". ") | |
49 | G06 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0600-0700 hr | data field for filter function (set "G06" <> ". ") | |
50 | G07 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0700-0800 hr | data field for filter function (set "G07" <> ". ") | |
51 | G08 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0800-0900 hr | data field for filter function (set "G08" <> ". ") | |
52 | G09 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 0900-1000 hr | data field for filter function (set "G09" <> ". ") | |
53 | G10 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1000-1100 hr | data field for filter function (set "G10" <> ". ") | |
54 | G11 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1100-1200 hr | data field for filter function (set "G11" <> ". ") | |
55 | G12 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1200-1300 hr | data field for filter function (set "G12" <> ". ") | |
56 | G13 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1300-1400 hr | data field for filter function (set "G13" <> ". ") | |
57 | G14 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1400-1500 hr | data field for filter function (set "G14" <> ". ") | |
58 | G15 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1500-1600 hr | data field for filter function (set "G15" <> ". ") | |
59 | G16 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1600-1700 hr | data field for filter function (set "G16" <> ". ") | |
60 | G17 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1700-1800 hr | data field for filter function (set "G17" <> ". ") | |
61 | G18 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1800-1900 hr | data field for filter function (set "G18" <> ". ") | |
62 | G19 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 1900-2000 hr | data field for filter function (set "G19" <> ". ") | |
63 | G20 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 2000-2100 hr | data field for filter function (set "G20" <> ". ") | |
64 | G21 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 2100-2200 hr | data field for filter function (set "G21" <> ". ") | |
65 | G22 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 2200-2300 hr | data field for filter function (set "G22" <> ". ") | |
66 | G23 | 2 | UTC-Graphic: 2300-2400 hr | data field for filter function (set "G23" <> ". ") | |
67 | GC | 24 | Geographic Coordinates with Latutude, Longitude | Calculated Values - based on Degrees Latitude and Longitude to seven decimal places | content is compatible to Google Earth and Google Maps (Brand Mark by Google LLC) |
Size 503 |
All files are including 1535 "Separator Lines" and the data field of GRAPHIC (Graphical Diagram) looks like this:
00##########06##########12##########18##### 6100
Other fields are filled with "#####". This should look like a black line to separate optically the 5 kHz steps
within the broadcasting bands and plus/minus 100 khz. ALso in use for 1 MHz steps.
If frequency allocations are changing also such lines are included giving details in the NOTES data field.
ILG data entries and information are based on old and current monitoring experiences made over the last 50 years...
ILG data entries and information are based on old and current monitoring experiences made over the last 50 years...
Copyright by ILG Software - Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI)