The largest and unique short wave database in the world covering all Broadcasting and UTILITY Stations
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - January updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Jan. 15th 2024 (2332 UTC)
Database of today with 80504 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 6691, Year 2024: 24840 Year 2023: 10609, Year 2022: 7825 data sets effective January,
more detailed latest statistics as of 22nd December 2024 incl. also statistics of the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
with last monitoring date (time stamp) and many further technical / signal details
ILGRadio since 1983 the whole short wave spectrum in one hand
B24 Season - January updates on a nearly daily basis: upload Jan. 15th 2024 (2332 UTC)
Database of today with 80504 data sets with latest monitored and verified data entries of the current B24 season:
Year 2025: 6691, Year 2024: 24840 Year 2023: 10609, Year 2022: 7825 data sets effective January,
more detailed latest statistics as of 22nd December 2024 incl. also statistics of the previous seasons
Important web pages for help: Explaining ILGRadio Data Fields and The Signal Types of the ILGRadio Database
ILGRadio as seen from others: Comments of satisfied ILGRadio Users over the years
Structure of ILGRadio Database for WINRADIO in HFCC Format
Structure of ILGRadio Database for WINRADIO
ILG data entries and information are based on old and current monitoring experiences made over the last 50 years...
Data as of January 2018
Important Information
Files for WINRADIO are including only a few data fields (8 of original 40 fields).
All complete comprehensive data are in the "A" or "B" Version of ILGRadio.
Here you you can display data with all details and this can be imported e.g. with
old Microsoft Excel and Access with dBASE files
new Microsoft Excel and Access with CSV files
dBASE Viewer Software with dBASE files
Important Information
Files for WINRADIO are including only a few data fields (8 of original 40 fields).
All complete comprehensive data are in the "A" or "B" Version of ILGRadio.
Here you you can display data with all details and this can be imported e.g. with
old Microsoft Excel and Access with dBASE files
new Microsoft Excel and Access with CSV files
dBASE Viewer Software with dBASE files
1 | FREQ | 5 | Frequency in KHz | frequencies rounded for frequencies with decimal place | Carrier Frequency of Utilty Stations (see also for center frequency in last column) |
2 | A | 1 | separation field | ||
3 | START Time in UTC | 4 | Time in UTC "Universal Time Co - Ordinated" former GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) | LINK FOR DETAILS | sign-on time of **59 minutes rounded by full hour
in various cases full-time broadcasts are divided in one hour blocks to make ILG bandscans much more precisely |
4 | B | 1 | separation field | ||
5 | STOP Time in UTC | 4 | Time in UTC "Universal Time Co - Ordinated" former GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) | LINK FOR DETAILS | sign-on time of **59 minutes rounded by full hour
in various cases full-time broadcasts are divided in one hour blocks to make ILG bandscans much more precisely |
6 | C | 1 | separation field | ||
8 | D | 1 | separation field | ||
9 | LOC | 3 | Abbreviation of Location | LINK FOR DETAILS | |
10 | E | 1 | separation field | ||
11 | POWER | 4 | Transmitter Power in kW (kiloWatt) | Power rounded for kW with decimal place, for UTILITY stations correct power not confirmed in various cases | |
12 | F | 1 | separation field | ||
13 | AZI | 7 | Azimuth of Antenna (main Beam) |
1 - 360 degree
0 = non direction
| ATTENTION: HFCC / ITU gives 0 or 1 for 360 degree north !!! |
14 | G | 1 | separation field | ||
15 | SLEW | 3 | Slew of Curtain Antenna | NOT included in ILGRadio | |
16 | H | 1 | separation field | ||
17 | ANT | 3 | Antenna Type | NOT included in ILGRadio (DUMMY entry with "991") | |
18 | I | 1 | separation field | ||
19 | DAYS | 7 | Days | given in ITU/HFCC format: 1: Sunday, 2: Monday ... 7: Saturday | |
20 | J | 1 | separation field | ||
21 | FDATE | 6 | Date of START of Transmission | DDMMYY format | date given if different to season period (empty if effective during full season) |
22 | K | 1 | separation field | ||
23 | TDATE | 6 | Date of STOP of Transmission | DDMMYY format | date given if different to season period (empty if effective during full season) |
24 | L | 1 | separation field | ||
25 | MODE | 1 | Modulation | LINK FOR DETAILS | A: Amplitude Modulation D: Digital (various) D:Digital Radio Mondiale I: Independent Side Band L: Lower Side Band U: Upper Side Band |
26 | M | 1 | separation field | ||
27 | AFRQ | 5 | Antenna Design Frequency | NOT included in ILGRadio | |
28 | N | 1 | separation field | ||
29 | LANGUAGE | 10 | Language of Programme | full name of language and dialect given | UTILITY Entries are starting with "DATE:" followed by details: CODES (Spy Radio) DATA (Data Transfer) EMAIL (E-Mail Transfer) FAX (Telefax) METEO (Weather Info) MORSE (CW) RADAR (not all included) TELEX (Telegraphy) TIMES (Time Signals) VOICE (Traffic/Information) |
30 | O | 1 | separation field | ||
31 | ITU | 3 | Administration | 3 letter code of Aministration, official ITU Abbreviations LINK FOR DETAILS | additionally listed:
TWN - Taiwan
Overseas Territories also given with own code, e.g.
ALS: Alaska ASC: Ascension
GIB: Gibraltar HWA: Hawaii
MRT: Martinique
REU: Reunion
32 | P | 1 | separation field | ||
33 | BRC | 3 | Broadcaster | LINK FOR DETAILS | |
34 | Q | 1 | separation field | ||
35 | FMO | 1 | frequency managemnet organisation according to HFCC / ABU / ASBU / ITU | NOT included in ILGRadio (DUMMY entry with "ILG") | |
18x fields with data | Size 125 |
ILG data entries and information are based on old and current monitoring experiences made over the last 50 years...
Copyright by ILG Software - Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI)